
UX Design

UX design is the process of creating a seamless and memorable user experience for your customers. With consideration for every aspect of the user journey, UX design is a thorough process involving, but not limited to, research, design and testing.

A Website that Goes Above and Beyond

The aim of UX design is to create the best possible experience for your users. This will help to build loyalty between your brand and your customers, increasing the likelihood that they will return to purchase from your site.

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Provide A Seamless Experience For Your Users

UX design focuses on creating a positive experience for your users. Meeting and exceeding their needs will create user delight and they will enjoy using your website. Ultimately, they will become more brand loyal and are more likely to return to your site.

Increase Revenue

Great UX design will increase your conversion rate. The more you consider your users, how they interact with your site and their needs, the more successful their user journey will be and therefore will be more likely to make a purchase on your site. In turn, this increases your conversion rate and revenue.

Remove The Discomfort From Difficult Processes

Having consideration for the human user interacting with your site can change a difficult process into a positive experience. A UX Audit will identify any friction for your website users. Solutions that are clean, intuitive and distilled to their most concise form can make the difference between a frustrated user leaving your site, and a successful conversion.

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July, 2021

What is UX Design?

Keeping website visitors interested and happy – right through to paying for products – pivots on providing a good user experience. What is UX design and how does it work?

Client Testimonials

Tommy Crooks

The Edinburgh Natural Skincare Co.

Factory Pattern understand our requirements and they’re highly reliable

Factory Pattern understand our requirements and they’re highly reliable, not to mention cool headed. Recommended to anyone looking for a top class digital media team.

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Start a Conversation

Andy, our UX Director is on hand to answer your questions about our Ecommerce UX Agency.

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Why is UX design important?

UX design is important because it puts the needs of your users first, and aims to fulfil their needs. If you want your business and website to succeed, you need to put your users first and make the experience for them as easy and positive as possible. Find out more about what UX design is and what it can do for you.

What does a typical UX design process look like?

Typically, UX design processes are split into 4 sections, or stages: user research, design, testing and implementation. These stages usually happen in that order, but it's important to remember that UX design is an iterative process so the steps outlined above will often be revisited in order to optimise and improve designs.