Websites / 6 Web design services all ecommerce businesses should consider

6 Web design services all ecommerce businesses should consider

Sam Brooks
web design services 3d graphic of mac desktop machine

In the ever-expanding world of ecommerce, having an outstanding website design is crucial for capturing and retaining customers.

Users expect a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience, and if they don’t get one, they’ll move on to someone else.

It sounds brutal, but in the absence of real human interaction, shoppers have zero empathy online for the brand they’re purchasing from.

This is why we will be exploring the following key web design services that can really elevate your website and make visiting your online store a pleasure and not a pain.

6 Web design services to consider for your ecommerce business:

  1. Designing for the user experience
  2. Brand consistency
  3. High-resolution visual content
  4. Easy checkout process
  5. Trust signals
  6. Staying up with the latest trends

Designing for the User Experience

whisky brand website UX example

Ecommerce UX is at the heart of any successful ecommerce web design services. A well-designed user interface (UI) ensures that your visitors can easily navigate through your site, find what they’re looking for, and make purchases effortlessly. To enhance the user experience, consider the following:

  • Intuitive navigation: Keep your website’s navigation simple, clear, and easily accessible. Use logical categories and subcategories, and include a search bar to facilitate product discovery.
  • Responsive design: Optimize your website for mobile devices. Responsive design ensures that your site looks and functions seamlessly across various screen sizes, allowing users to shop conveniently on smartphones and tablets.
  • Clear calls-to-action (CTAs): Use prominent and visually appealing CTAs to guide users through the purchasing process. Well-placed buttons with clear and concise text, such as “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now,” help drive conversions.

Brand Consistency

web design service example of an online maternity course website

Establishing a strong and consistent brand identity is vital for building trust and recognition across your site. While it’s important to the overall look and feel of your website is on brand, like the Bump to Baby Chapter example above, your ecommerce website should reflect your brand’s values and personality consistently across the pages too.

Here are a couple of ways you can achieve brand consistency across your ecommerce site:

  • Logo and color scheme: Use your brand logo and colors consistently throughout your website. This creates a sense of familiarity and helps users associate your site with your brand.
  • Typography: Select fonts that align with your brand identity and maintain consistency across your website. Ensure that the text is legible and easy to read.
  • Tone of voice: Develop a consistent tone of voice that resonates with your target audience. Use it consistently in your product descriptions, blog posts, and other website content.

High-Resolution Visual Content

Lucy and Yak website page example of good quality product images

Visuals play a significant role in ecommerce, as they help users understand products and make informed purchasing decisions. Incorporate high-resolution images and videos to enhance the shopping experience:

  • Product images: Provide multiple high-quality images for each product, showcasing different angles and features. Consider using zoom functionality to enable users to inspect products closely.
  • Videos: Supplement product images with videos that demonstrate how the product works or highlight its key features. Videos can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

The above example of some amazing product images has been taken from the Lucy and Yak website.

Easy Checkout Process

Check out process example from online wine store

A seamless checkout process is crucial to reducing cart abandonment and maximizing conversions. Simplify the purchasing journey by implementing the following:

  • Guest checkout option: Many users prefer not to create an account during checkout. Offer a guest checkout option that allows users to complete their purchases quickly without unnecessary steps.
  • Clear progress indicators: Clearly display the steps involved in the checkout process, indicating where users are in the journey. This helps users understand the process and feel more confident about completing their purchase.
  • Multiple payment options: Offer a variety of secure payment options, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, or digital wallets. Catering to different customer preferences can increase trust and convenience.

Trust Signals

example of good trust signals with reviews on a website

Building trust is essential for ecommerce success. Incorporate trust signals throughout your website to reassure users and enhance credibility:

  • Customer reviews and ratings: Display authentic customer reviews and ratings for each product. Positive social proof can significantly influence purchasing decisions.
  • Security badges: Display security badges, such as SSL certificates and trusted payment gateway logos, prominently on your website. These symbols indicate that user information is secure.

Staying Up with the Trends

example of interactive product images on the Jelly Cat website

Finally, to maintain a competitive edge in the world of ecommerce web design, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest design trends and technology. This is going to captivate users’ attention, create a sense of interactivity, and provide an immersive experience, which will ultimately lead to all the engagement and conversion good stuff.

We chose the Jelly Cat website as a good example of using trending features well on an ecommerce website.  They use fantastic animation on their home page, they have an animated hover state on their buy now buttons and there’s also and interactive price slider so can filter the products by how much you want to spend.

here are some more web design trends to consider for your ecommerce store:

Minimalistic design
Embracing a clean and minimalist design aesthetics, with plenty of breathing space for the eyes, will allow your user to focus on finding the products they hope to purchase. Designing simplicity and clarity is all part of a good user experience and will help to create a seamless user journey (which we talk about further down the post) on your site which means happy users, which means more sales.

Dynamic Pages
Dynamic pages in an ecommerce website are created on-the-fly, allowing for personalized and tailored content delivery to users. These pages are dynamically generated based on user behavior, preferences, or other factors. For example, a dynamic page may display recommended products based on a user’s browsing history or show personalized promotions based on their demographics.

Interactive Page Layouts
Interactive page layouts involve engaging elements and features that encourage user interaction and participation. These layouts go beyond static content and incorporate dynamic elements such as sliders, carousels, hover effects, interactive product galleries, and user-generated content sections like reviews or social media feeds.

Data-Driven Product Recommendations
Data-driven product recommendations leverage customer data, such as browsing history, purchase behavior, and demographic information, to suggest relevant and personalized product recommendations. These recommendations can be displayed on various pages of an ecommerce website, including the homepage, product pages, and shopping cart. By analyzing user data, these recommendations help shoppers discover products they might be interested in, leading to increased customer satisfaction, higher average order value, and improved cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Social Commerce
Social commerce refers to the integration of social media platforms and ecommerce, allowing users to make purchases directly within their social media channels. Social commerce enables businesses to showcase their products, share user-generated content, and provide a seamless shopping experience without users having to leave their preferred social media platform. It leverages the power of social networks, user reviews, and influencers to drive sales and create a sense of community around the brand.

Seamless User Journey
A seamless user journey refers to the uninterrupted flow and ease of navigation from the moment a user lands on an ecommerce website until they complete their desired action, such as making a purchase. A seamless user journey involves optimizing every step of the customer’s path, including browsing products, adding items to the cart, proceeding to checkout, and completing the transaction. This includes reducing friction points, providing clear calls-to-action, streamlining the checkout process, and ensuring consistent branding and user experience across all touchpoints. A seamless user journey improves customer satisfaction, reduces cart abandonment, and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

In the crowded world of ecommerce, a well-designed website can be the difference between success and obscurity. By implementing these web design services, you can create an ecommerce website that stands out from the crowd, delights customers, and drives conversions. Remember, continuous improvement and adaptation to changing customer preferences are key to maintaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving ecommerce landscape.