
UX Analysis

We audit your user experience to find out where and why your ecommerce website is underperforming with real data, rather than guesswork.

Use Data To Pinpoint Where, How and Why Your Site Is Underperforming

Using a combination of methods, we can identify where, why and how your site is underperforming, based on actual data, rather than vague guesswork. A UX audit also indicates opportunities to increase conversion and improve your users experience via UX design, copywriting and more. 

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Identify Underperforming Pages

Using Google Analytics, we can identify underperforming pages and products by looking at bounce rates, conversion rates and add to basket rates (ATB rates). This will help establish which parts of your site need to be improved as a priority, and acts as a great starting point for further research.

See Your Website From Your User’s Perspective

Conducting heuristic analysis is a great way to see your site from a fresh perspective. Are you sure you aren’t using technical jargon? Is it really obvious what the user journey is meant to be? Is your communication as clear to a brand-new user as it is to a long time repeat customer?

We’ll help you see your site from your users point of view and highlight any obstacles or questions they might have whilst navigating your site.

Optimise Your Site Based On Evidence, Not Guesswork

Using quantitative data from your site, and qualitative data from heuristic analysis and real users, (rather than vague guesswork,) will give you a more accurate understanding of how and why your site is actually underperforming. 

Optimise your site based on your findings to improve your ROI, conversion rate and turnover.

Related Services

Conversion Rate Audit

Conversion Rate Optimisation

UX Design

UX Research

Get a Free Proposal

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What to Expect

Fill in the form and let our team handle the rest. Here’s what will happen next:

  • Discovery

    We’ll ask you a bunch of questions about your business and the market you want to serve during a 30 minute discovery call.

  • Analysis

    We’ll audit your website to find out where and how we can help you. Then plan what we can do to improve your website and grow your business sustainably.

  • Over to you

    Your proposal will include a review of how we can help your business, pricing options, a provisional timeline, and a detailed view of what it’s like to work with us.

Start a Conversation

Andy, our UX Director is on hand to answer your questions.

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What will a UX audit uncover?

UX audits uncover major issues with your site that might be impacting your business goals and revenue, as well as smaller areas of improvement.

What techniques does a UX audit include?

A UX audit involves measuring usability heuristics, traffic and conversion metrics, sales and customer engagement data, and more. We go into more detail in our blog post 'how to carry out a UX audit on your ecommerce site'.