
Conversion Rate Increase Calculator

Have you ever wondered how much your revenue could increase by, with just a small increase to your ecommerce conversion rate? Use our Conversion Rate Increase Calculator to find out now!

If your conversion rate increased from 1.5% to 2.5%, how much could your revenue increase by?

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How to use the Conversion Rate Increase Calculator

With our Conversion Rate Increase Calculator, we’ll tell you how much your revenue could increase by, with just a small increase to your conversion rate


Enter your average traffic per month

This is the average number of unique visitors to your site each month.


Enter your average value per lead or purchase

If you’re an ecommerce site, this is your AOV (Average Order Value). If you’re generating leads, what’s the average value of a lead?


Enter your monthly transactions

The average number of transaction that occur on your site each month.

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What is a Conversion Rate Increase Calculator?

Conversions are the number of times users complete a goal or conversion (on ecommerce sites, this is usually completing a transaction).
We calculate conversion rate as follows:
Number of transactions divided by the total number of visits to your site times 100
A Conversion Rate Increase Calculator works out your current conversion rate, and then calculates how much your revenue could be if your conversion rate increased by 50% (e.g. from 2% to 3%).

How to read your Conversion Increase results

Your results will be given in two parts.
Firstly, the new conversion rate will be given as a percentage. This is calculated based on your current conversion rate, and what your new conversion rate would be if it increased by 50%.
The second result is your new revenue value. This is calculated by taking your new conversion rate, and current data for AOV to give a new revenue.